It is too early to say whether 3G will really boost VAS in short run.. One kind of killer services required which can help to prosper 3G VAS. Just like CRBT in today's VAS.. If there is any one service which can fuel growth of 3G VAS is
1st : Selling of Anti virus - online security Or say clean pipe
This will be one of the killer service.. very basic but very much necessary for all Internet users on the move :)
2nd : I bet on LBS (Location Based Services)
LBS has its own challenges can't be successful until unless critical mass has been gathered of localized content.. then it may be users or maps or any other info having additional dimension (or let me call it vector) as space
challenges are too big to handle for telecom operators alone. Either need to invest big way in both a) generating/ aggregating quality content with space relevance
b) Huge bucks has to be wasted on promoting the same
Or do the tie-up with 2nd best service providers like Yahoo maps, social network sites like orkut (I believe Face book is No.1).. Reason for 2nd best is they will willingly cooperate for long term..
Once critical mass is started following LBS then UGC (User Generated Content) will come in picture and then there won't be any looking back. It can sustain their own and create GREAT value for the customers and the Telecom operator
These will be mass market services and then comes niche services
3rd : Apps - smart application targeted towards cust segments and sold as
Software As A Services
Let me tell you secrete- formula for success will even not change in case of 3G: All services and user experiences has to be mapped by putting/considering Customer in the centre.. Revenue and loyalty will follow
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