
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beijing Olympic2008 and mobile VAS

World's Costliest and equally spectacular Olympic opening day ceremony happened on 08-08-08. I am wondering what kind of mVAS can be cultivated across this?
MVAS specially for people visiting Beijing for Olympic:
1) Cheap international roaming. 3G or GSM will not function fully. Need to take CDMA
- Dual SIM phone (GSM+CDMA) can have dream run!!
2) Translator cum Dictionary apps for Chinese to English / French/ Spanish or vice-verse
a) Translating Chinese pictorial language into closely matching meaning in other languages for commonly used words by tourist/visitors on business tour
b) Chinese speech (commonly used dialect like Mandarin, Wu, Min etc) recognition and translating into other foreign language like say English
c) Commonly used words/sentences by tourist (How much? Asking for direction? Food? Emergency - Doctor, lost & found? Formal greetings... etc) in writing & pronunciation
-- Application developers too much to ask in too little time! But I think its worth product to explore (you can use same codes for Indian languages Telugu, Tamil, Bong, Hindi, Malayalam...)
3) How can we forget maps- the "cause and effect" of location based search and advertising
Hybrid map in detail for Olympic stadium and its surrounding
-- Use it from Google, Yahoo or has MSN launched it in China?
Great if can be clubbed with Alerts, Sports schedules and updates
4) No need to carry your credit card. If you are credit worthy, your mobile number will become your credit card number and your mobile your wallet. Enjoy games and forget carrying currency -- Will it require payment gateway, mobile operators, foreign exchange clearing & settlement house to come together and ofcourse application vendor (I think latter on this soln. can become potential long term soln. No more plastic card required..)
5) Travel assistance voice portal with vXML capability (text to speech converter) in diff. foreign language to bestow updated information to user (self-help & super premium service personal assistance on phone - Call centres hearing out!!?)
6) All these VAS services can be subsidised by tagging appropriate Ads (hotels, Hospital, Shopping, Food and escorts etc etc..) - incremental revenue earned out from Ads

MVAS for All:-
1) Brand Ring tones, Wall papers, theme around Olympic 2008, Hot & adventurous swimming, gymnasium pics - Bebei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, Nini Package (5 Olympic Mascots)
2) Branded Olympic Games- Option to choose your favourite from real champs
3) Subscription service for games news update - say "Gold Count"
4) Beijing Olympic2008 Brand store : Sale T-shirt, Key chains, trousers, sacks, caps and so on..
- allow side load or free down loads of Olympic content with that (Brand co promotion and sales by Telcom operators and retailers)
--Virgin mobile India & Adidas, Nike & Vodafone, Ray Ban & Airtel, Reliance official mobile pro motor for live pictures and update selling content and Olympic accessories... what an idea Sirji...

1 comment:

Mayank Upadhayay said...

After bindra`s gold it will be close shave with indian counterparts. Nice Article!!!