It is always told let us have first mover advantage! But what about player who plans to enter in Indian telecom industry for not less than 10 year late!!
There may be many disadvantages for being a decade late.. So are the benefits to start with latest technological advantages over legacy technology.
I am trying to put forward one unique advantage new Telco have and established Telco can not have so effectively. Not a rocket science, just the same thing which RTOs across countries started doing it. Mankind has special affinity towards number, especially when it is to do with your car or mobile....
Best thing new Telcos can do is auction mobile number across circles….
Some of the quickly recognizable benefits I am listing down..
A) Create on line community for auction
B) Brand awareness & WoM promotions
C) Brand association with pride/esteem of ownership
D) Co-branding & promotions
E) Untapped way for sales to the early adaptors
F) Last but not least additional revenue
Others benefits are waiting for your comments and contribution to get revealed… And for any discussion call me on +91- 9320550258 :-)
So Next time do ask ‘why is this your mobile number’ instead of ‘what is your mobile number’ or ‘kitane ka aaya ye mobile number?’
Big assumption is at least some of the new entrants are interested to launch services and not looking for short term gain of renting allocated spectrums to existing players ;-)
Turn the disadvantage of being late to the advantage of virgin pools of sexy number series available for auction